Education Service Center, Region 2 Programs
Accountability and Assessment
Accreditation Services are designed to assist local districts in interpreting and meeting state accountability standards. Services provided include:
- Orientation to accountability process
- Interpretation of local district accountability data
- Technical assistance in preparation for on-site evaluation by Accreditation Team
- Representation and assistance at entrance and exit meetings during an on-site visit
- Liaison between local school districts and TEA accreditation staff
Advanced Academic Services
The Advanced Academics Program provides professional development and technical assistance in the areas of Gifted/Talented Education, Pre-AP/AP strategies, and Advanced Academics so that all children will experience an academically challenging education. SBOE requirements state that teachers who provide instruction and services for gifted students must have thirty (30) hours of professional development prior to their assignment to the district's G/T services, or within their first semester (19TAC§89.2(1)). Teachers must also receive a minimum of six (6) hours annually of professional development (19TAC§89.2(3)). Administrators/Counselors must complete six (6) hours of professional development (19TAC§89.2(4)).
Area 2 Technology Conference
This information filled one-day conference aims to provide all Region 2 educators with the latest, greatest, and most useful teaching techniques and educational products to positively impact student achievement.
Behavior Management and Discipline
Professional development and support systems in the area of behavior management/discipline are provided to ensure all students reach high academic standards of achievement. Services include ongoing professional development, phone and email technical assistance, on-site consultation to school district and charters, the Schoolwide Discipline Project, non-violent crisis intervention, and positive behavior interventions and supports.
Bilingual/ESL programs help LEA's with developing, implementing, evaluating quality transitional programs to help limited English proficient students achieve academic success. The cooperative offers programs in oral language development, organizing the classroom, strategies for the content area, cooperative learning and curriculum writing. Research-based professional development is offered throughout the year. In addition, on-site assistance with LPAC training and compliance is available. Members of the cooperative get one day on-site to be used at the district's discretion.
Bus Driver Training
The Texas Education Agency and Texas Department of Public Safety have directed the Education Service Centers to train and certify school bus drivers. The schedule and location for certification classes and applicable forms can be found on the ESC-2 Transportation website. Other information concerning public school transportation will be posted as needed. Links to national and state transportation sites are included.
Business Office
The Business Office staff is committed to excellence and quality service. Here you will find the Business Procedures Manual (BPM), which will provide you with the guidance necessary for your most critical needs. You will also find the most recently updated and approved forms, from "Authorization Agreement for Automatic Deposits" to travel request forms needed for your work travel and lodging needs. We ask that as you utilize these forms and the BPM, that you submit any and all suggestions for improvement to any of our Associates for consideration.
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
The ESC-2 Career and Technical Consultant can assist local districts in: preparation for the CTE Compliance visit; Program Access Review (PARS) visit; Carl Perkins annual application for federal and state funds; implement career guidance programs for grades 7-12; implement work-based learning and apprenticeship programs; integrate academic and CTE programs; promote nontraditional educational activities; eliminate gender bias; implement appropriate curriculum for CTE programs; develop appropriate and timely staff development opportunities for CTE personnel; and promote Tech-Prep and High Schools that Work initiatives.
Child Nutrition
The ESC-2 consultants will provide assistance with the administration of the Child Nutrition Programs which include the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs and the After-School Care Program as outlined in the USDA regulations. The consultants will provide on-site and off-site technical assistance services and serve as a liaison between the various entities involved in the integration of the eight components of a Coordinated School Health Services program. The consultants will make available nutritional materials as provided by USDA and TDA for distribution.
Counselors: Professional Development
The purpose of the Counselor Professional Development services is to assist counselors and counseling service providers in obtaining information that will support their roles in helping all students achieve success.
Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability
The Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability (CIA) offers a variety of services to support our clients in implementing research-based learning opportunities to improve student performance. Services include professional development related to the implementation of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS), and English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). The CIA department provides leadership, staff development, technical assistance and training to LEAs to support English Language Arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and instructional technology. Our highly skilled professionals are committed to improving performance in all students groups. The CIA Department provides research-based practices, training and technical assistance to meet the needs of English learners, gifted students and student with disabilities.
Data Processing
Carries out all requirements set by TEA to provide services and information to districts to comply with the successful submission of district data to the Texas Education Agency.
Distance Learning
The ESC-2 provides the network connections and personnel to support distance learning throughout the region. Students, faculty members, and the community can participate in courses offered without distance barriers. Some courses offered to students include dual credit, concurrent enrollment, and high school credit courses. Virtual tours are also offered for K-12 students, which are two-way interactive videoconferences available worldwide. Staff development trainings, continued education and professional development, along with community courses are available. Special programs are also offered across the network, including health related topics, holiday learning opportunities and informational programs.
DMAC Solutions
Data Management for Assessment and Curriculum (DMAC®) Solutions provides web-based software to help districts improve the quality of education provided to students. DMAC offers a suite of applications to assist with data disaggregation, benchmarking, assessment, student achievement, progress monitoring, curriculum planning, and more. With each application, DMAC guarantees your data will be accessible, reliable, secure, and supported.
Region 2 provides districts with information, training, and assistance on requirements for students with dyslexia and related disorders.
Early Childhood Education
ESC-2 assists schools in establishing high quality early childhood programs by collaborating with other agencies serving children birth to 8 years old, presenting sessions on understanding developmentally appropriate curriculum and programs, improving communication about early childhood programs, services and training, and identifying and supporting model sites for best practices in early childhood education.
Early Scholars Academy
This 16,000 square feet state-of-the-art facility features nine beautiful discovery centers. Children will experience unique interactive learning activities powered by their own imaginations. Highly qualified specialists will guide them through creative encounters using a research based curriculum. A foundation for school readiness will be built through science, math, literacy, language, and technology. Children’s horizons will be broadened in ways that many would not otherwise experience prior to first grade. The Early Scholars Academy will make a significant contribution to the success of young children throughout South Texas.
Educational Media
This program supports instructional processes of participating local education agencies by providing a center for circulation of educational media and services.
Educator Preparation and Certification Program
The Educator Preparation and Certification Program provides for certification of individuals who meet certain requirements, including an internship in public schools, to become certified teachers. The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) approved the Education Service Center Region 2's Ed Prep Program and also stated that it meets the criteria for an acceptable alternative route to certification under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. Certification areas offered are generic special education, secondary content areas 4-8 and 8-12. Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree and meet local and state requirements. Endorsement training is available in the areas of Visually Impaired, Gifted and Talented, and English as a Second Language.
English Language Arts / Reading
The Texas Reading Initiative goal is to provide sustained and intensive, high-quality professional development in reading that is needed to help students meet challenging state performance standards and achieve reading success.
The ESC Region 2 Instructional Technology Coop provides consultants with the experience and knowledge necessary to provide quality guidance on the Universal Service Administration Company (USAC) - ERate policies, procedures and processes.
Field Service Agent
Field Service Agents act as liaisons, ombudsmen and advocates for local school districts in their relationship to the ESC and the TEA. The agents' primary objective is to provide timely, accurate, and consistent information and assistance between the TEA, ESC and I.S.D. with the local district superintendent as the contact.
Gifted and Talented Services
The Advanced Academics Program provides professional development and technical assistance in the areas of Gifted/Talented Education, Pre-AP/AP strategies, and Advanced Academics so that all children will experience an academically challenging education. SBOE requirements state that teachers who provide instruction and services for gifted students must have thirty (30) hours of professional development prior to their assignment to the district's G/T services, or within their first semester (19TAC§89.2(1)). Teachers must also receive a minimum of six (6) hours annually of professional development (19TAC§89.2(3)). Administrators/Counselors must complete six (6) hours of professional development (19TAC§89.2(4)).
The Goodbuy purchasing program is an administrative agency created in accordance with Section 791.001 of the Texas Government Code. The purpose of the program is to obtain the benefits and efficiencies that can accrue to Program Members in a concerted effort to comply with state bidding requirements and identification of qualified vendors of commodities, goods and services. The program currently provides over 40 categories of goods and services.
Grant and Grant Services
Active Grant Awards:
Grant awards made to the Education Service Center, Region 2 support the planning and implementation of programs and services that directly benefit students, parents, schools, and community members throughout the region.
Grant Services:
ESC-2 also offers products and services that help schools and community partners develop the necessary skills to be effective in their efforts to investigate, monitor, prepare, and submit grants to a variety of public and private funding sources at the federal, state, and local levels.
This program provides professional development and coordinated assistance to teachers, grades K-12, in social studies content, TEKS, and STAAR preparation.
Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters
Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY), an evidenced-based early learning program, addresses achievement gap issues by supporting parents in their critical role as their child’s first and most influential teachers. In the HIPPY model, peer home visitors deliver 30 weeks of high quality school readiness curriculum directly to parents who then work with their own three, four, and five year-old children. Using the HIPPY books and curriculum, parents spend one-on-one time each day reading books with their children and teaching them school readiness skills. HIPPY helps parents empower themselves as their children's first teacher by giving them the tools, skills and confidence they need to work with their children in the home. The program was designed to bring families, organizations and communities together and remove any barriers to participation that may include limited financial resources or lack of education.
HOPES II - Healthy Outcomes Through Prevention and Early Support
A community-based program that supports families with young children 0-5 years of age. This program is designed to bring families, organizations and communities together to promote healthy parenting connection and remove any barriers that families might face. The HOPES Program offers a case manager services, and an evidenced-base home visitation programs. In addition, it offers trainings and assistance to families and school staff during the transitional bridge within school districts, special education and child care systems.
House Bill 5
The 83rd Regular Session of the Legislature passed HB 5 and became effective with the Governor’s signature in June 2013. This bill codified changes to the Texas Education Code (TEC) in a number of areas including curriculum, accountability, assessment and accreditation.
Human Resources
The Region 2 Education Service Center’s mission is 'Empowering learning communities through innovation'. We strive to recruit, hire and train a highly motivated, quality staff to ensure we provide 'Educational excellence for an evolving world'.
Instructional Coaching
Instructional coaching for leaders and teachers is provided through our experienced, successful instructional coaches. Our coaches follow a researched-based model of instructional coaching. They will work one-on-one with teachers and administrators to increase quality instructional practices and improve student learning.
Instructional Technology
The Technology Cooperative provides participating districts with on-site instructional and technical services. Services include, but are not limited to, instructional workshops and follow-up, assistance with campus technology plans, software selection, network planning, design and troubleshooting, district web design, and district database design.
Leadership Training is offered throughout the year to provide continuous professional growth for administrators. Regional administrators may attend training with teachers or select any program to best suit their individual needs. Region 2 strives to deliver quality general management training programs to assist all administrators, supervisors and Site-Based Decision Making teams. Training includes personal growth, legal seminars and strategies for continuously improving the campus and district.
Library Cooperative
The Library Cooperative provides leadership and assistance to Region 2 librarians and library aides in the region as they support district and campus instructional goals, implement practices related to increased student achievement and serve all the members of their various communities. The regional librarian provides professional development for library staff and teachers and consults with library staff and administration on matters relating to automation, facilities, programming and instruction, and compliance with federal, and state guidelines and regulations. The emphasis is upon reading advocacy, collaboration and the integration of information literacy and technology skills with the general curriculum.
Managed IT Services
MIS provides WAN services for Region 2 School Districts and LAN services for the ESC-2 network across a high speed backbone. Services included in WAN are Internet access, email maintenance and support, email virus protection, domain name services, webpage hosting services, caching and content filtering services, customizable content filtering tools, firewall security, videoconferencing connectivity, bridge scheduling, gatekeeper services, QOS, PRI ISDN dial in capabilities, mainframe connectivity, Broadband connectivity and troubleshooting, priority traffic blocking, Router Lease Program, as well as technical support and training.
Management Information Systems (MIS)
MIS provides WAN services for Region 2 School Districts and LAN services for the ESC-2 network across a high speed backbone. Services included in WAN are Internet access, email maintenance and support, email virus protection, domain name services, webpage hosting services, caching and content filtering services, customizable content filtering tools, firewall security, videoconferencing connectivity, bridge scheduling, gatekeeper services, QOS, PRI ISDN dial in capabilities, mainframe connectivity, Broadband connectivity and troubleshooting, priority traffic blocking, Router Lease Program, as well as technical support and training.
Identify customer perceptions, attitudes and usage rates of Center products and services and assist Center staff in effectively responding to such information through a marketing planning and decision-making process. Coordinate the design and development of print and non-print materials to market the ESC and its facilities. Coordinate the scheduling of workshop rooms and of vendor participation.
This program supports federal, state and local efforts to provide the sustained and intensive, high-quality professional development in mathematics that is needed to help students meet challenging state content and student performance standards and thus achieve the National Educational Goals.
Media Department
This program supports instructional processes of participating local education agencies by providing a center for circulation of educational media and services.
Migrant Education
Migrant Education information is provided to school districts on the seven (7) areas of focus as required by Title I - Migrant: Parent Involvement, Identification/Recruitment, New Generation System, Graduation Enhancement, Early Children Education, Migrant Service Coordination, and Secondary Credit. ESC-2 also coordinates services to migrant families stranded while traveling to and from work sites.
NCLB Support
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Support provides, to LEAs receiving NCLB program funds, dissemination of information from the Texas Education Agency; provides technical assistance on issues such as performance-based monitoring, program compliance monitoring, and initial compliance reports; provides for conducting an assessment of needs for additional dropout prevention activities, parent training, and/or professional development activities within the region aligned to NCLB; provides for conducting a minimum of three regional forums / institutes / workshops / mini-conferences to meet the needs identified; after release of state developed trainings to ESCs, provides for professional development to Title I districts and campuses within the region in the areas of:
- Paraprofessional and highly qualified teachers,
- Parent involvement policies,
- Title I components in campus/district plans,
- Title I fiscal issues,
- Private school participation,
- Campus allocations, and
- Campus selection
Additionally, NCLB Support provides for assisting districts to meet the paraprofessional requirements by providing paraprofessional professional development and assessments to the extent possible; provides networking opportunities and training to Title I campus principals on the basic Title I program requirements; provides for technical assistance to districts and charters in Title I, Part A requirements as requested; and provides for coordination with Region XIII School Improvement Resource Center staff in campus visits to Title I School Improvement campuses within the region.
Parent and Community Involvement
The Parent and Community Involvement Network will provide resources/training opportunities to promote more effective family and community involvement in campuses/districts throughout the region. Services will include: networking meetings to share best practices, conference updates, distribution of information/ materials, lending library, various trainings for parent educators to prepare them to present workshops in their communities. Program development will be based on the identified needs of the F&CIN membership. Initiatives are supported through Gifted/Talented, Migrant, Title 1 School Support , and others as identified.
Partners for Educational Leadership: Principal Certification Program
The Educator Preparation and Certification Program, approved and accredited by the State Board of Educator Certification, offers individuals an opportunity to obtain principal certification using an exciting, field-based, experiential model for learning. Through a partnership with Walden University and local school districts, the Education Service Center, Region 2 offers this 1 ½ year program where teachers can enhance their leadership skills and receive guided assistance as they work to receive principal certification. If participants do not have a Masters degree, one can be obtained through Walden University at a discounted rate. Applicants must meet state and local requirements for program entry.
Performance Based Monitoring Support
Training and technical assistance is provided to school districts/charters as they conduct activities required by the Texas Education Agency in the performance-based monitoring and interventions system.
Print Shop Services
Digital StoreFront (DSF) brings a full service print shop to your desktop. DSF allows you to submit, proof, and track your print orders through a single web interface.
Public Education Information System (PEIMS)
Carries out all requirements set by TEA to provide services and information to districts to comply with the successful submission of district data to the Texas Education Agency.
Quality Childcare Provider Services
The Quality Childcare Provider Services program seeks to improve the quality and availability of child care services for all children, including children with disabilities in the 12-county Coastal Bend area. This program provides training, technical assistance and equipment to facilitate continuous improvement of child care services for children and their families. This is achieved through state and national accreditation programs. These services are available to any child care provider, including licensed child care centers, licensed group day homes, registered family homes, and self-arranged providers.
Reading/Language Arts
The Texas Reading Initiative goal is to provide sustained and intensive, high-quality professional development in reading that is needed to help students meet challenging state performance standards and achieve reading success.
Research and Data Evaluation
Develops, manages, and disseminates complex relational data reports and summaries of research related to assessment, accountability, and any other relevant initiatives for both internal and external customer use. Using a variety of databases and other resources this program collects, compiles, and reports statistical, demographic and other related data and research to meet information needs of other programs throughout the service center. Data and other information collected and reported may include testing information, both state-mandated and imposed by other sources, and state and federal accountability programs. Information collected may be interpreted or otherwise manipulated to serve as an input to drive the development of internal or external customer programs/services (product development).
Response to Intervention
RtI is a model of a process that addresses the needs of all students through a continuum of services. Professional development provides school personnel with training and support that addresses high-quality instruction and tiered intervention strategies aligned with individual student need and frequent monitoring of progress.
School Board Training
A variety of training programs, including new board member orientation, are available to meet local district needs for mandated school board member training and are correlated to the statewide standards or duties of a school board member.
School Finance
The School Finance program provides training and technical assistance to superintendents and business managers within the area of school finance. Specific assistance is provided in projecting school district state funding for both Chapter 42 and 41 districts, financial data analysis, FIRST, use of the various financial templates and tailor-made assistance to school boards.
School Health and Safety Cooperative
The mission of the School Health and Safety Cooperative is to serve as the central coordinating agency and collaborative catalyst for the regional school districts. Services include:
- Provide districts with professional development trainings, workshops, and technical assistance on school health and safety issues and concerns;
- Provide training and technical assistance to facilitate and improve District School Health and Safety Programs;
- Assist districts to meet compliance with TEA and Department of State Health Services mandates;
- Be a catalyst for ESC-2 districts for promoting a safe and healthy school environment and healthy behaviors of all students and school district personnel.
School IPM Coordinator Education Program
Texas law requires public school districts to implement an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. To oversee the district IPM program, superintendents must appoint an employee to be the IPM Coordinator. Within six months of appointment, the IPM Coordinator must successfully complete an initial six-hour IPM training course approved by the Texas Department of Agriculture’s (TDA) Structural Pest Control Service. IPM Coordinators must then obtain six additional hours of continuing IPM education every three years. School districts are subject to unannounced inspections by TDA to determine compliance at any time. The fine for not being in compliance with this law can be up to $5,000 per day.
The ESC-2 School IPM Coordinator program is educational in nature only. The program offers both the required initial six-hour training for new IPM Coordinators and more advanced workshops for existing IPM Coordinators who need continuing IPM education. These workshops are approved by the Texas Department of Agriculture and comply with the requirements for the mandatory School IPM Coordinator training.
Additionally, the ESC-2 School IPM Coordinator program will seek to increase collaboration among regional IPM Coordinators and disseminate IPM information.
School Readiness Integration
Project will coordinate the development and implementation of a cohesive, cost-effective School Readiness Integration (SRI) model that brings together school districts, child care providers, and Head Start programs to prepare Pre-Kindergarten children for transitioning into schools.
This program provides training and coordinated assistance to teachers, grades K-12, in science content, TEKS, and STAAR for science.
Section 504
Training and technical assistance is provided to school districts/charters regarding the implementation of Section 504 regulations.
Site-Based Decision Making
Coordinated assistance and staff development for campuses in site-based decision making, campus planning, collaborative planning and teaming skills and strategies.
Social Studies
This program provides professional development and coordinated assistance to teachers, grades K-12, in social studies content, TEKS, and STAAR preparation.
Special Education
Special education support services is focused on providing technical assistance and training in order to improve program effectiveness for students with disabilities, as indicated in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004, and State rules and regulations.
Speech-Language Pathology
ESC-2 coordinates technical assistance and provides training for speech-language service providers. Staff development is designed to improve service delivery and provide continuing education hours required for annual licensure renewal for licensed speech pathologist.
TEA Login (TEAL) / Educator Certification Online System (ECOS)
Educators who need assistance setting up a TEA Login (TEAL) account to access the Educator Certification Online System (ECOS) can now contact a representative at their region's Education Service Center (ESC). See the Program Website link to submit a helpdesk request.
Technology Cooperative
The Technology Cooperative provides participating districts with on-site instructional and technical services. Services include, but are not limited to, instructional workshops and follow-up, assistance with campus technology plans, software selection, network planning, design and troubleshooting, district web design, and district database design.
Technology Integration / Planning
Training is provided on the use of technology for instruction. Workshops are presented in areas ranging from beginning computer usage to full multimedia utilization. Major emphasis is given to the use of technology as an instructional tool. Technical support on the selection of software is an important part of this program. Questions are answered on all aspects of the use of technology in instruction. Participants may opt to take individual topics or integration packages for Level I (beginning) users or Level 2 (intermediate) users. The Level 1 package covers the SBEC minimum competencies standards.
TETN (Texas Education Telecommunications Network)
TETN is a state telecommunications data/video conferencing system connecting the 20 regional service centers and TEA. TETN provides cost effective interactive audio/video communication and data network to educators across Texas.
Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative (TCMPC)
The Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative, or TCMPC, is a shared service agreement between the 20 Educational Service Centers (ESCs) in Texas. This shared service agreement, or SSA, allows participating ESCs to share responsibility for management and operations of the online curriculum management system known as the TEKS Resource System.
Title I
ESEA Title I, Part A provides dissemination of information from the Texas Education Agency to Title I LEAs; provides technical assistance to Title I LEAs on issues such as the SAS, Performance/Compliance Reports, and AYP; provides for coordination with Region XIII School Improvement Resource Center (SIRC) to orient schools identified in Title I School Improvement; and provides school support team training upon request to Title I districts/campuses.
Title III English Language Learners
Title III, Part A helps eligible IHEs to become self-sufficient and expand their capacity to serve low-income students by providing training to improve and strengthen the academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability of eligible institutions.
- Assist all ELL and immigrant students achieve at high levels in the core subjects;
- Develop high quality language instruction educational programs designed to assist state educational agencies, local educational agencies (LEAs) and school teaching ELL and immigrant students;
- Assist local educational agencies to develop and enhance their capacity to provide high quality instructional programs designed to prepare ELL and immigrant students enter all English instruction settings;
- Assist local educational agencies and school build their capacity to establish, implement, and sustain language instruction educational programs of English language development for ELL students;
- Promote parental and community involvement.
ESC Region 2 will provide the Title III member districts with the following:
- Prepare the Standard Application System (SAS-630);
- Serve as Fiscal Agent for the Title III Funds;
- Compile and file the SSA Evaluation Report;
- Provide staff development and coordinated assistance as requested;
- Provide staff development on a region-wide basis on issues relating to the limited English proficient students, securing qualified teachers, and providing parent involvement workshops;
- Conduct an orientation meeting to explain the Title III funding to all private/nonprofit schools in the Region.
The Texas Education Agency and Texas Department of Public Safety have directed the Education Service Centers to train and certify school bus drivers. The schedule and location for certification classes and applicable forms can be found on the ESC-2 Transportation website. Other information concerning public school transportation will be posted as needed. Links to national and state transportation sites are included.
TS3 - Texas School Support System
The Texas School Support System categorizes schools into increasing levels of assistance and intervention through identified school needs. This structure aligns state and federal accountability systems into a single system of support, and recognizes that sustainable transformation is the result of district commitments, district systems, and campus institutionalization of critical success factors. Campus designation is based on the Texas Accountability Intervention System (TAIS).
TxEIS (The Enterprise Information System for Texas Schools)
The TxEIS solution is Web-based, fully integrated, and supports the operational and reporting requirements of Texas districts, charter schools, private schools, and education service centers. The software is scalable in both design and configuration in order to meet the needs of any size district.